We are focused on contributing to global health care. Through our business, we make important contributions to society by developing innovative medicines that improve the quality of life.
In this way Crassula helps to overcome some of today's health challenges. One of our short-term goals is to make a strong commitment to sustainability, taking our sustainability strategy and model to the next level as part of our responsibility to the planet.

Ethical Line

Crassula's set of values and principles allows us to guide our performance, united also by the professional ethics of each one of our collaborators.
Our ethical line is comprised of:
  • To be transparent and honest in all actions to be developed.
  • Develop an organizational culture with common values for all members of the company.
  • Act in accordance with organizational values and in turn with equality, freedom, assertive communication, respect and solidarity.
  • Satisfy the needs of internal and external customers.
  • Promote adequate social responsibility with visible impacts.
  • Minimize internal conflicts between the different areas.
  • Keep information confidential.
  • Report unethical behavior to the appropriate area.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Crassula Corporate Social Responsibility policy allows us to determine our commitment to our employees, customers and community in general, improving the quality of individual and collective life, and contributing to the preservation of the environment, according to our guidelines, values and principles.
At Crassula we are committed to ensure the well-being of our team, promoting a healthy culture, where:
  • We respect the rights of each of the members of our organization, complying with a decent salary and offering suitable working conditions.
  • We promote diversity and equal opportunities by guaranteeing a safe and reliable work environment and participation.
  • We take responsibility for the integral well-being of our employees and their families, providing them with benefits and maintaining good relations with them.
  • We support our neighboring community by carrying out sustainable development campaigns and programs.
  • We facilitate the execution of Covid PCR tests for medical personnel and their families, to ensure sanitation and break the spread of the virus.

Quality and Integral Management Policy

Crassula is oriented to improve people's health by offering medicines of excellent quality and great efficacy with an extraordinary service to the patient. Our responsibility to carry it out is:
  • Providing decent working conditions and safety to our employees.
  • Guaranteeing the quality and reliability of our products and services.
  • Promoting the rational use of our resources to mitigate climate change.
  • Meeting the needs, complying with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the agreements signed with our Stakeholders.
  • Maintaining information security and confidentiality of the company's internal processes.

Corporate Reputation and Communication Policy

Crassula purpose is to develop a communication aimed at promoting and protecting the good image and reputation of the organization based on corporate values, in an honest, integral and transparent manner to provide truthful, clear and demonstrable information, thus maintaining the coherence of the message transmitted inside and outside our company.
Our commitments are identified as follows:
  • Preserve and promote Crassula image and reputation through communication actions in a transversal and integrated manner, identifying communication opportunities, analyzing before acting the advantages and disadvantages it may incur.
  • Manage and maintain proactive and planned communication with the different stakeholders, planning short, medium and long term communication actions, adopting efficient communication channels to transmit the message and thus avoid fallacy.
  • Actively contribute to the creation of a favorable and stable internal culture, generating internal activities to train employees to maintain assertive communication based on our values.
  • Promote the continuous improvement of techniques to face new challenges in relation to communication.

Corporate Social Responsibility Program

Our organization has voluntarily decided to contribute to several social programs within Crassula, so that our employees feel motivated and proud to belong to a company whose objective is to improve people's lives, both internally and externally in many aspects. For this we have programs such as:
  • Angel Volunteers: We seek to promote solidarity in our community and accept all external people who wish to collaborate with the execution of planned activities.
  • Healthy living: We have specialized staff to provide information and create plans to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We also offer extracurricular activities in which physical activities such as dancing are taught.
  • Protect your Health: We encourage the use of health promotion and prevention, emotional, physical and social of our employees within our company.

Corporate Social Management Policy

In Crassula we seek to promote the social commitment of all our organization and that this is projected under our values to the communities with which we interact, providing:
  • Respect for diversity and equal opportunities.
  • Assertive and constructive communication generating great impact within the community.
  • Strengthening and stimulation of the social work we do through our foundation Luz del Velador.
  • Adequate and sustainable working conditions that allow the fulfillment of our activities.